
Is it just me, or have the weeks been crawling by this spring?  I feel like the year is going by SO quickly, but man, getting to Friday has been such a drag lately.  I was talking to my friend Ryan, and he said the only day of the week he liked was Friday because he could finally have a drink (or seven).  I concur.

Since it's Memorial Day weekend, which officially kicks off the summer reading season (and I guess the summer season in general), thought I'd share the books that are on my radar this summer.  We have a trip to Bald Head Island planned with my family coming up, and I can't wait to dive into my TBR pile.  Here goes:

I TAKE YOU by Eliza Kennedy (Fiction/Chick Lit)

I Take You

I always love a good chick-lit read at the beach, and this one's been getting a decent amount of buzz this spring.  A beach read set at the beach?  Awesome bonus.  It's about a woman questioning whether or not she wants to actually get married…six days before she's supposed to tie the knot.  I'm sure all sorts of delicious drama ensues.

AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir (Fantasy/Young Adult)


I first heard about Tahir via my agent, who represents this powerhouse new author.  Her debut fantasy is being compared to THE HUNGER GAMES.  It's supposed to be killer, y'all. I'm not the biggest fantasy reader, but I'll definitely take a chance on this one.

 A BOLLYWOOD AFFAIR, by Sonali Dev (Contemporary Romance)

Bollywood Affair

This debut romance made a splash when it hit shelves last fall.  I haven't read it yet, but I already downloaded it on my Kindle, so this will be at the top of my list.  A bollywood hottie with a body?  Mistaken identities?  Arranged marriages?  Yes, please!

TINY LITTLE THING by Beatriz Williams (Fiction/Romance)

Tiny Little thing

So this book follows a Jackie O.-like socialite during the 1960s as her husband pursues the political ambitions of his powerful family.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm a total Jackie nut, so this book is right up my alley.  Plus Beatriz is an AWESOME writer – if you haven't read her A HUNDRED SUMMERS yet, it also deserves a place in your beach bag.

THE MISTAKE by Elle Kennedy (New Adult Romance)

The Mistake

If you're in the mood for a sexy scorcher with hot hockey bros, then this Elle Kennedy's OFF CAMPUS series is your jam.  I read THE DEAL in, like, two sittings; it was one of those books that totally sucks you in, and the heat level is HOT HOT HOT.  Plus it's fun to relive the heady intensity of my college days.  I didn't have hot hockey bros lusting after me, but still it's fun to pretend.

SUMMER IS FOR LOVERS by Jennifer McQuiston (Historical Romance)

Summer is For Lovers

I've yet to read a historical romance by McQuiston (I know, I know, terrible!), so I'm determined to devour one this summer.  What better book to dive into at the beach than one with a title like that?


This one is self explanatory.  If you have not yet discovered my BFF Aziz, get thee to a couch and indulge in a Netflix marathon of his stand up comedy and PARKS AND RECREATION.  Then read this book and come thank me by buying me a margarita.

THE MINIATURIST by Jesse Burton (Historical Fiction)


There are few things I love more than historical fiction done well, with or without the romance.  This book has received glowing accolades from the literary community, and it comes out in paperback this summer.  It's also set in one of my favorite cities, Amsterdam.  (Not because of THAT.)  (Well maybe a little because of that.)  Definitely at the top of my list.

 MADE YOU UP by Francesca Zappia (Young Adult)


I heard about this book via Twitter – it's getting a lot of love.  Zappia is being compared to John Green, so hold onto your hats for what is sure to be an unbelievable debut.

THE UNDERCOVER SCOUNDREL by moi (Historical Romance)


I kinda had to do it.  If you're into ginger-haired heroes, spies, and spicy sensuality, then check out SCOUNDREL, which hits shelves on June 2!

Happy Reading, friends!  What books will you be picking up this summer?
